Library Media Services are part of the school's learning activities because they support, complement, and expand the instructional program of the school. The media specialist's role is to connect users to information. The Library Media program provides intellectual and physical access to materials in all formats. It provides instruction to foster competence and stimulate interest in reading, viewing and using information and ideas.
Mrs. Kara Horoski, Media Specialist
Phone: (803) 534-3554 x 25950
Degrees and Certifications:
High School: Alma High School B.S- English/Social Studies Education M.Ed- Young Adult Literature/Library Media Science Master’s Degree-English and Creative Writing
Hello! I am the Media Specialist in the BEST SCHOOL with the BEST TEACHERS! I love working with students and I am happy to help others. I can’t wait to help you find a book to read!
Mrs. Wendy Huff, Media Assistant
Phone: (803) 534-3554
Degrees and Certifications:
High School: OW High School Degree: Medical Office Assistant
Hello! I am the Media Assistant for the BEST SCHOOL with the BEST TEACHERS! I love working with students and I am happy to help others. I can’t wait to help you find a book to read! I love to spend time with my family and go to the mountains!
Media Center Expectations
- Enter and exit the media center in an orderly fashion.
- Use your inside voice at all times.
- Follow the rules/procedures of the supervisor in the library.